welcome ♥

3 June 2010

go backk !!! ♥

1a.m, n yet i still at here updating my blog
tomorrow is going back liiao
damn miss my bed already
but can't bear leaving here too. will miss my crazy cousin, cherrin very much
just now shop with her until 9p.m
went to plaza sing, bugis then punggol plaza
feel abit tiring ~
fiiuhh ~ but i was damn happy n satisfied today :]
tmrrw will bring a lot of stuff back
fortunately go back with my uncle n his wife
so automatically they will help me to carry it ♥
 okeyy , time to sleep
hve to wake up earlier tmrrw ..
nitee ~ :)

2 June 2010


goshh !! almost 2month i didn't update my blog
thr've many things i want to say
but lazy to type it down
nw i'm at my yi2'sd house, sg
waiting cherrin lau, my damn funny cousin come bcak frm her schl
then accompany me hang-out
although i alrdy went thre twice but i stil wanna go
bcause thre've a lot of things i hven't buy . hyhahaha
chamm~ T.T
maybe 3rd or 4th i am going back to indonesia
then time to find the job !!!
my lawyer's day alrdy going to end
fiiuhh fiiuhh
so quick
i am no longer a student anymore
oh nuoooo !! working working
headache when i think it @.@
jiayoouu ba !!
soon or late this day will come too :)

мʏ ρℓαʏℓιƨт ♥