welcome ♥

8 Apr 2010

yess. i will be a lawyer !!! :p

lawyer --> pengacara

pengacara stands for
"pengangguran banyak acara"
really nice. hahahaa
funny ~ my friend taught me last night :p
LMAO when i knew what he meant
bcause i'll have a lot of activiteis after finishing my school's exam
busy of gathering, playing, fun-ing :)
no more study
then no working for a while
like lawyer , ritee ?? :p
but soon or later i'll quit this job
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

5 Apr 2010

hott pinkkk ♥

amazing !!!
feel that I've fall in love with Hot pink
a lovely colour, isn't it ?
i love purple brfore
but don't know why , now when i see the purple n hot pink stuff . i prefer the hot pink one
i know well about myself
i used to get bored with a thing easily
maybe i've change my favourite colour
i more like hot pink than purple
purple ! sorry bcause u're in 2nd nw :p

wondering when i can get this camera ~ nice colour
chiiioo , rite ? hihiih

1 Apr 2010

up to u ??

i hate when i'm asking a opinion of a person then he/she reply me "up to you lho"
gggrrrr .. i am doubtful so i ask them
i want them to give me their opinion too
"up to you"
it is same that no answerr !!!!
whahha ~

love my current life

it've been a time i didn't update my blog . miss miss miss :D
because of my stupid inet couldn't work n my computer got viruses Y.Y
can't describe how boring i am without my PC
then the uan on 22th passed smoothly :)
just wait for the result on 26th april
i already tried my best to study n cheating . wakwkak :p
wondering i will pass or not
but i always confidently said "i'll pass"
now only wait for the uas
no need to stress-ing for study
bcause i know my teacher will let all of us pass . hihih
after that i totally free already
n then waiting for the agro trip
all of my classmates will go
will have a unforgettable n memorable moment for me

 love my current life

мʏ ρℓαʏℓιƨт ♥