welcome ♥

18 Mar 2011

new website

yeahh, i almost forget
Dont think anyone reads this blog anyways, but just to inform you politely
but i am not shifting, just think that it's a cute website :)


hi !! i am here again
i can't sleep now :( ~
what should i do ?? feel that i am nothing now
can i back to my school life ?that's idiot question
but i really miss my school life, i miss the day without worry
i miss those feel.
why human would grown up n at the end should die
what it means ?
can a person live without problem ?? can ??
huh, i really want to run out from this fact
i hate pressure
i choose to be quiet rather than talk to much, bcause i know how the way i say is just the same
problem, can u run away from me. i beg u :(
from relationship problem, education problem, n job problem
stopp pleasee
insane soon !

11 Mar 2011

badmood ..............................

nag nag nag
have u enough ????? n can u stop ?
yah, for my own good, but this not i want
can u use some soft way to say n understand my feeling now
wanna cry out loud but i bear
i hate to be weak infront of her
do u realized ? the more u nag, the more depressed i feel
wo ze ji you fen chun !
i am not useless
this is just temporary , believe  me .

i don't know where to share my feeling except here, blog ❤
but u never respond me

8 Mar 2011


Quotes Myspace Comments

i should show it to my buddies

i don't undrestand why they know smoking is not good for health but they still want to. hais

kinds of person

this worlds have millions kind of people. i am sure there's no one perfect included me :)
each of us have our own strength n weakness. everyone automatically will judge a person from the first sight. so it's the reason why when first we meet the important ppl (just like interview) we should wear more politely.
but it doesn't mean that we should act. hahah
i do not dare to fully believe anyone. i damn hate people lying me. if they do something wrong, i prefer them to be honest in order to lie me because afraid me to get angry. i will more angry after i discovered they lied me
i also hate the person who are hypocrite. hell ~ gonna slap that kind of person !! HAHA ..
some people really got nothing to do, others matter always be their topic to talk about, hais. feel pity to them, they are tooooo BOSECO !!!!

7 Mar 2011

underage =.=

jobless ! fiuh, xian with this life
nver expect that i was quit on December . what reason do u know ? it is ridiculous. they said i am underage. haven't reach 18th. whathe fuck !! i am so sad after hear that.
yess, when i entered there, at july. i didn't have a identification card yet. bcause i haven't reach 17th
but i don't understand why they still accepted me
i've been 5month worked at there
already get used to the situation. eventough everyday was very tired even for me 24hours is not enough for me because after went back from work, i need to attend the university lecture. it's damn tired
sometimes there begin at 6.15
and i went back from work at least at 6over, fiuhh. but i also be forced to attend sometimes. i usually late n can't catch the lessons
yes, sometimes i admit i ever yank out the class.
i ever went back from work at 8 over. i often feel unwell or sick after work at there
because i didn't have enough time to rest n drink  why i hold out ? bcause many ppl say there got a very good experience,  n not very easy to enter this bank.
but i never thought that 2weeks before 31december they said this bad news for me. fiuuh, what else shoukd i do :)
they apologized to me n said on october, that's is after my 18bdae i can enter there without make a job application to them, they promised. ok, so i just worked until 31december that time
i can't bear separate with my colleagues too. i miss them ! they all are very funny. every evening we always joke n laugh together. especially my head teller, she's a responsibility person. she always helped us n find a solution to us when we got problem.
ok, now temporary i'll find other job. if the job is suitable to me, maybe i don't plan to go bank to work at BCA
if it's not, maybe i'll think to work at there again.

мʏ ρℓαʏℓιƨт ♥