welcome ♥

26 Aug 2010

the period before i work

dear blog
sorry i got no time to update youuu. i am sure that u're already damn miss me :p
there's a good news
"i've working nw." i work at BCA
some customer said BCA stands for "Bank Capek Antri" hahahaa. they're so brilliant ~

if i was not wrong , at 16th july i delivered my application to the bank
n 19th i went thre for the test. there're 4 ppl included me when having the test
concidencely 2 of them was my friend.
21st i was asked to go to interview. that time only 3 of us were selected
n at the evening i was asked to medical check up
only me who was asked to medical check up
happy n unbelieveable :) :)
ok 22nd  after medical check up. the result  was fine
n i'm asked to go to the bank again
the person at personalia said "juli, trainingnya besok yahh. ke medan"
what the hell ~
i haven's prepared at all. I AM SHOCKED !
but what else can i do. i've no choice
fiuuhh. so i rushed to buy my needs.

but it's fun. i knew a lot of new friends who came from different cities
two times training.
its over than half months times i training at Medan
first training from 23rd july - 1st august
second training from 13rd august - 22 august
we training at 8a.m n finish at 4.30p.m
10.00 - 10.15a.m coffee break
12:00 - 1:00p.m lunch
03.00 - 3.15p.m coffee break

unable to describe how fun the moment it is !


first it's very tough for me. i think i can't stand anymore to work as a teller
maybe it's my first job so i still unaccustomed
but after this few weeks, i feel that i've improved even not a lot
everything must learn. as long as we intend
nothing is impossible ~ now i believe
so i will hold out. jiayou2 :)
They're human, n i am a human also
They can , of coursee i can !!! ~


мʏ ρℓαʏℓιƨт ♥